
The ‘Official’ 3rd Person Bio


Reverend Bobbe Bramson is a licensed, ordained interfaith minister through the Angel Ministry of Gateway University, and is of the lineage of the Order of the Seraphim. She is also ordained within the Order of Melchizedek and is a member of HTPA (Healing Touch Professional Association). Bobbe Bramson

Her certifications include:

6th Generation Usui Reiki Master Teacher (RMT)

Karuna Reiki Master Teacher

VortexHealing® Divine Energy Practitioner

IET Master Instructor (Integrated Energy Therapy-an Angelic healing art)

Green Tara Seichem Practitioner

Bobbe has spent over thirty years working in the creative and metaphysical/spiritual arts and because of her eclectic and richly diverse background she is able to synthesize a very special blend of healing techniques and transformational tools custom-designed for each individual to help them awaken to, explore, and express their unique gifts.


Find out what’s in my Healing Toolbox


Bobbe has taught for four decades and takes great pleasure in turning people on to spiritual expansion and soul exploration. She creates and facilitates SoulTreasure play-shops, Angel Radiance Healing Circles, and monthly Reiki Wisdom Salons.

As both a healer and teacher Bobbe is known for her attuned and insightful wisdom, her genuine caring and warmth, and her ability to be an innovative and inspirational catalyst for positive change.

Bobbe is a mystical seeker and as such she is continually expanding her learning. She has been a member of the Western Mystery School, Builders of the Adytum for several years and also studies Authentic Kabbalah with Shifra Hendrie. She studied creativity coaching with Eric Maisel and has learned from many amazing teachers including indigenous Grandmothers and Angel teachers Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney and Karen Paolino. She is also currently working with the fabulous healer and coach Mary A. Hall.

Bobbe is a lifelong musician, songwriter and environmental and animal rights activist. She continues to be an outspoken advocate for the importance of having reverence for the Sacred and the Beautiful in all of life.

The guiding intention in all of her work is to empower women to shine their most authentic Light into the world.


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