About Bobbe

Bobbe Bramson

Bobbe Bramson

Welcome, Beautiful Soul,

I am so glad that you have discovered Angel Heart To Heart, and I hope that you will make it a favorite place, a sanctuary where you can always find spiritual sustenance, soul support, and practical guidance on your healing path.

My name is Bobbe Bramson, and in my work as an Angel Medicine Woman, healer-intuitive, and Soul Treasure Coach it is my passion to help you rediscover, awaken, and empower your most Radiant True Essence so that you can embody it and share it with the world.

How I lost and found my Light

I know from firsthand experience how hard it can be to allow one’s inner Light to shine freely, to acknowledge one’s worth, and to treat oneself with loving-kindness and respect.

As a child growing up in the late 1950s I was able to see, hear, and sense things beyond the confines of ordinary reality. I knew things and made no effort to hide what I knew.

Let’s just say that this ability was not understood or welcomed.

I got the message that I was “too much”, that my sensitivity was a liability in the “real world”. With no adult understanding of how to handle the situation, my little girl decided it would be much safer to hide her Light, her “Too-Much-ness”, her uncanny intuitive knowing.

In no time at all I became the censor of my Self.

And so it went for many decades of my life as my Soul Treasure was driven deeper underground.

Of course, keeping something hidden away, something that is inherently powerful and beautiful and real…well this can cause a lot of inner conflict. It takes a lot of energy to push something down that naturally wants to come up.

What it did to me was it made me tired.

It made me forget my Truth.

It buried my desires so deep that I couldn’t remember what it was I really wanted.

I felt anxious, angry, confused, and scared a lot of the time…

And so I did what a lot of women do.

I looked to others to tell me how I was doing or if what I did was okay. I neglected my needs because I didn’t know what they were (and besides, it was my job to keep everyone else happy first, right?)

I followed the path of least resistance and bought into other people’s definitions of fulfillment.

I gave my power away.

And this made me feel trapped in a life I didn’t like…

Does any of this sound familiar??

Lucky for me I had this soft voice within me that said there had to be a better way. It set me on a lifelong path of spiritual seeking, self-discovery and soul searching…

And little by little I began to see a glimpse of the Light within me. And it grew over time until I could see more of what was hidden inside me.

I re-established my connection to my Higher Self and became unified with the Divine.

I found allies in the Invisible Realm…the Angels and Ascended Masters.

I was diligent and persistent and even when it hurt or I was scared that soft voice would guide me to the next release, the next healing place, the next act of courage, the next point of liberation.


And I found my Self again.

I began to acknowledge my Radiance and Beauty.

I began to honor my Truth…

To show up for myself.

And most miraculously, I began to LOVE myself again.

All of my life’s experiences, especially the challenges, have led me to be uniquely qualified to help other women who have similarly disowned or abandoned parts of themselves.

I have gone on the journey to reclaim the lost and the buried Soul Treasure of ME.

I know the territory, and I see through the tricks and scams of the self-sabotaging ego mind. I know how to avoid the pitfalls and dissolve the obstacles on the path.

And best of all, over the past twenty-five years I have found and developed amazing transformational tools and energetic healing processes to help you recover the Jewel Within and reconnect you to your own Inner Wise Woman.


So here’s a question or two for you to ponder:

How much of your beauty, talent, wisdom, and intuitive gifts are you hiding from yourself, your friends, your family, or your co-workers?

Would you like to be able to express your Brilliance without reservation…with confidence, joy, and passion?

If so, I would love to help you!

Let me be your guide…