Amazing Benefits


Why an Angel Radiance Oracle Reading is an experience like no other

When you come into direct contact with the loving presence of the Seraphim, Archangels, and Angels you are surrounded by their loving embrace and lifted up into the Soul Realm and beyond.

Here you have access to higher wisdom and clearer insights. The Angels’ support comes from the place of pure, unconditional love because they see through to the very heart of you.

Being in the company of Angels is a healing balm that melts fears, gently illuminates your life path, and encourages you to grow into the Love and Light that YOU ARE!

The angelic icing on the cake is their beautiful offering to you of a high frequency healing energy called an Angel Radiance Transmission®  which gently aligns you with your truest self and nurtures you on a deep soul level. (If you prefer not to experience the transmission the Angels will respect your wishes. You will still receive their loving guidance and be in their Presence.)

Are you ready for that heart to heart with your angels?

Yes, schedule my Angel Radiance Oracle Reading now


An Angel Radiance Oracle Reading: What’s in it for you?

  • Strengthens your connection with the Divine and to your Higher Self
  • Gives you the guidance, encouragement and direction you seek
  • Opens your heart to give and receive more love
  • Brings refreshing clarity to complex situations
  • Showers blessings of comfort, peace, protection and reassurance
  • Facilitates healing and transformation on many levels
  • Cultivates self-trust, deeper awareness, and joy
  • Develops and deepens your own relationship with the Angels
  • Empowers you to find your own answers and act on them



How Angel Radiance Oracle Readings differ from other types of divination

An Angel Radiance Oracle Reading is not a psychic reading and does not forecast events. In fact, during a reading the psychic barrier is bypassed all together because this is a place of murkiness where negative influences and other yucky debris hangs out.

An Angel Radiance Oracle Reading doesn’t answer yes or no questions, but rather supplies you with in-depth information which you can use to make free will decisions of your own. Your soul is here to learn certain things and there is no right or wrong way for this to occur.

Unlike the Tarot, an Angel Radiance Oracle Reading does not contain any disturbing imagery.   The Angels will not shy away from sharing things that you have denied or avoided, but the truth they share will always be expressed in a loving and gentle way.

Click here to book a reading